Victoria Bulgier
Hello and welcome to my site!
For some of you, the thought of exploring the world may seem like a terrifying experience. The long lines, the mobs of people, the airports, the lost luggage, and all the uncertainties...While these are all valid thoughts to cross one's mind when thinking about travel, I've come to find that all the aggravation is worth putting up with for the chance to explore a piece of this beautiful planet.
Travel has been a part of my life for, well, my entire existence. As a child, I was lucky enough to have adventurous parents who stressed the importance of culture and diversity from the get-go. Whether it was performing the "cocoa dance" in St. Lucia or stuffing my face with traditional Moussaka in Greece, I've always had a passion for learning and understanding culture.
As humans, our environments are constantly changing. To many, change is terrifying. The idea of being stripped of familiarity and comfort are probably two of the main reasons why we tend to run from change. But I think one of the best ways to embrace change is learning to establish an understanding with the world around us.
To gain understanding and to be understood are equally beautiful in their respective rights. Something I've picked up on through years of solo travel is that, the world becomes a more relatable place when you take the time to hear people out and learn where they're coming from. It's such a simple concept, yet most of us aren't willing to spare the time. But it's because of the time I've spent listening, rather than speaking, that I've become more in-sync with the moving parts in my environment.
In an ideal world, I think we would all like to have our voice heard and even understood. Life is not easy, as it's full of many ups and downs. However, life can become a bit more bearable if we all took the time to step back and view the world from a different perspective. And that's exactly what I envisioned the content for this site to consist of: difference of perspective.
So if you were at all intrigued by the photographs and words that led you to this page, please feel free to explore the various depths of my mind and soul expressed through the content on this site!
For me, travel is a great privilege. It's an honor to be welcomed and accepted into a foreign culture, so I try not to take advantage of one of life's most precious delicacies. I write and photograph to capture moments that will, seconds later, turn to dust. I don't want to forget the precious moments, and I don't ever want to skip a beat.
Travel is a beautiful thing we've been gifted with. But it's only ever truly enjoyed by the daring souls who choose to unwrap matter what lies under the wrapping!

Happy Traveling!
Follow me on Instagram @Solar_aubade